
Marina Abramovic Essay

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Performance art is integral to the story of art because it drastically changed the overall shape and evolution direction of art over the past one hundred years. One of the major artists in this genre of art is Marina Abramovíc, the “grandmother” of performance art as considered by herself due to her contribution and dedication to the aforementioned form of art since the 60s until today. Having been active for over three decades, her works have a great impact on people nowadays and usually described as remarkable and intensive. Figure 01: Marina Abramovic (Manfred Werner 2012) Having parents that were partisans and being raised in military manner, Marina developed an interest and ability to endure harsh, extreme conditions for a long period of time. This is how she was able to withstand in some performances such as Lips …show more content…

She ‘demanded an intense and emotional response from spectators who sometimes found themselves active participants in ways they could not havzae anticipated’ (Richards, 2010). With that being said, Rhythm 0 is probably the best example there is about this special attribute of her works. It is, possibly, her most challenging and famous work due to its meaning and the way it approached and explored the relationship between the artist herself and her audience. In this piece, ‘Abramovic deliberately played along the edges of her own and her audience’s boundaries, testing the limits of both’ (Kirmizi, 2013, p.26). The rule of Rhythm 0 is quite simple, Marina herself would play the passive role and for the audience, they were given the aggressive role. Using 72 objects, varying from items for pleasure, such as feather and flowers to those that are lethal, such as razor and pistol with a `loaded bullet, the participants could do whatever they want with her during the six-hour performance. No matter what the outcome is, they wouldn’t have to take the

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