
Marilyn Price-Mitchell's Essay 'Does Nature Make Us Happy?'

Decent Essays

Works Cited
Marilyn Price-Mitchell. “Does Nature Make Us Happy?” Psychology Today. March 2015. Web. II. Thesis Statement
In fact, our connections with nature could just be the best medicine for people of all ages—improving our health, happiness, and well-being. (Price-Mitchell)
III. Summery
“Does Nature Make Us Happy?” is an article in which Price-Mitchell discusses the possibility that nature has always been man's best friend. Human kind grew up around nature, and we did so quite happily. Our roots, no matter how much denied, originate from nature. This was tested by asking 100 participants how much nature was noticed upon arrival outside and how their feelings were at that moment. Everyone stated upon arrival outdoors, they instantly felt more at peace.
IV. Rhetorical Situation
Price-Mitchell seems to have written this article with the intent to show that mankind is no longer in touch with nature, something that made us happier in the past centuries. Reading this article, it is not difficult to tell it was clearly meant for economist to explain why we …show more content…

However over time as technology grew we learned to not rely on it anymore. This definitely made me start to realize that while technology will begin to grow, no matter because we can not stop the advance of humanity, that doesn’t mean we need to stray away from nature. Personally, if not for this project I would not have even gone looking for a essay like this. However I do believe it is worth reading, as it does propose valuable information that many would not look out for. As for the author's style of writing, well it’s a style typically used by many people. Honestly, I did not dislike it however it was not in my favor. Though as someone who is very interested in psychology, I would of course read from Price-Mitchell again as she is a great author as well as a great and highly regarded

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