
Marijuana Use Should be Legal Essay

Decent Essays

Marijuana Use Should be Legal

The issue of the legalization of Marijuana is a never-ending battle that the country will never fully win. Marijuana should be legalized because it is a large part of the drug war, which will never come to an end. Society is in the midst of a time of anguish and skepticism of what will become of the nation. With all of the problems happening around us, the government and officials should begin to realize that the time and effort spent on battling the drug, marijuana, could be better used in other areas.

One of the first issues of the legalization of marijuana is its comparison to alcohol. Since 1937, marijuana has been prohibited as a legal drug in the United States: …show more content…

This is the result of an increase in drug arrests between 1980 and 1992. The increase in violent offenders incarcerated during that time was only about 50 percent; therefore the majority of felons that are incarcerated should not be looked at as a danger to society (Schlosser, 1994, p.93). If the country wants to deal with the problem of overcrowded prisons, it should look more closely at who should and shouldn’t be incarcerated.

The economic benefits of legalizing marijuana would also be substantial. Not only would the government receive revenue from marijuana taxation, farmers would also be able to grow hemp, which was an important source of fiber for rope, cloth, and paper in the United States years ago.

Studies have also shown that Marijuana could be used for medicinal purposes as well. According to Bill Zimmerman, executive director of the AMR, “It seems the ship of state is beginning to turn on the issue of medical use of marijuana.” Recently, chemicals found in marijuana were found to be similar to naturally occurring chemicals in the body. This chemical is related to nerve sites that control pain, memory, motor functioning, nausea and internal eye pressure. These findings have provoked more exploration into medicinal and therapeutic uses of marijuana. Through other studies, marijuana has been found to be a

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