Abraham Lincoln once said "Prohibition goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man 's appetite by legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes.” The prohibition of marijuana has proven to be a failure and a waste of resources. In addition, prohibition has hurt society more than it has helped. Also, marijuana can be used as a medicine to treat many life threatening illnesses. The legalization of marijuana will generate enormous tax revenue, reduce crime, and give sick patients a new effective medicine.
Enforcing cannabis laws costs an estimated $10-15 billion annually (Nadelmann “An end to marijuana prohibition”). This enormous amount of money could be used for many other things, but instead is being wasted. Marijuana prohibition is a failure. In fact, even though marijuana remains completely illegal it is the nation’s leading cash crop. Nearly $36 billion worth of cannabis is grown each year in the US. This exceeds corn, grossing $23 billion, soybeans making $17.6 billion, and hay which earns $12.2 billion annually. California alone grows $13.8 billion worth of cannabis annually (Glaister). Drug laws have successfully reduced the flow of marijuana into the US. This success is the main reason for the colossal amount of cannabis produced here. Large amounts of marijuana are now grown on U.S. soil because of the risks involved in transporting it across borders. If prohibition were effective, it would not force marijuana to be the
Marijuana is a naturally grown plant that has beneficial properties and the ability to create textiles, paper products, and other goods. Marijuana is currently illegal in many states in the United States. The legalization of Marijuana will produce enormous tax revenue, reduce crime, give us a renewable resource, and give sick and suffering patients a new effective medicine. The legalization of Marijuana in the United States would both benefit the well-being of its citizens as well the economy.
Marijuana has negative side effects on a consumer that may end up being the reason why the legalization is wrongful. Most drugs have crimes tied along them, and this automatically gives a reason to keep drugs illegal. Along
When most people hear the word “prohibition” it brings forth images of speakeasies, bootleggers, and rum-runners of the American alcohol prohibition of the early 1900s. Most people are unaware that there is a different type of prohibition happening in America right now with recreational use of marijuana. While there are differences between the two prohibitions, there are also a few similarities. Citizens should vote to legalize retail marijuana because states could use the revenue on taxes for beneficial public programs, marijuana would be better regulated, and legalization could help take down the marijuana smuggling business.
Another popular argument is that legalizing marijuana will put criminal organizations out of business. While such an outcome would be a beneficial, it is unlikely to happen for several reasons. Firstly, criminal organizations will always find other things to sell. Secondly, the majority of marijuana is still likely to come from cartels. And third, people will continue to buy marijuana on the black market for no other reason than its tax free. As an example, illegal cigarettes called “loosies” are commonly sold on the black market due to the high taxes placed on them. Eric Garner, who died while resisting arrest for selling “loosies”, brought this issue to public attention. Then there is the argument that the government has no right telling people what to put in their bodies. While this argument may have some merit, I would argue that the government does have a responsibility to protect our well-being. No one argues, for instance, when the FDA keeps things off the market that adversary affects our health. Lastly, proponents will say that marijuana is not addictive, however research shows otherwise. About 9 percent become addicted to marijuana, for those who start young it’s 17 percent. For those who use marijuana daily it can be as high as 25 to 50 percent ("Health Effects Of Marijuana
Marijuana has a greater beneficial impact on society then many people realize. Marijuana should be legalized for medical as well as recreational purposes. This is a highly controversial issue that is being debated throughout the country. In essence marijuana is evaluated by the effectiveness of the drug. It is defined as the dried flowered clusters and leaves of a hemp plant smoked for the intoxicating effect. Whether it should be legalized or not is the real question.
“Because of marijuana prohibition, America’s largest cash crop is grown exclusively by unregulated criminals, often in environmentally damaging locations such as national parks and wilderness areas. Such problems are virtually unknown with legal, regulated crops such as tobacco or wine grapes.” (Marijuana Prohibition Facts, 2008)
Marijuana does have some negative effects, but compared to other drugs marijuana is harmless. Other drugs are highly addictive were marijuana is not. Alcohol is one of the most leading causes of car crashes. Marijuana is nowhere near being a leading cause of death. Other drugs can lead to cancer where marijuana is used to cure it, and other drugs can lead to deaths. Other drugs impair you vision, but marijuana does not. All the other drugs except alcohol are gateway drugs, and the only way to purchase them is by smuggling them across the border. Many advocates say “we should begin to reflect that reality in our state and federal legislation, and stop acting as if otherwise law-abiding marijuana smokers are part of the crime problem. They are not, and it is absurd to continue using law enforcement resources arresting them.” (Gary) Many advocates also say, “Far more harm is caused by marijuana prohibition than by marijuana itself.”(Gary)
Some medical reasons that marijuana shouldn’t be decriminalized are that it has long and short terms effects. Examples of the short term outcomes include memory loss, difficulty with thinking, loss of motor skills and increased heart rate. According to the National Institutes of Health show that someone smoking about five joints per week is taking in as many cancer causing chemicals as someone smoking a pack of cigarettes every day. There is no science proof that smoked marijuana can be used for medication. Since cannabis plants are polluted with a range of fungal spores, smoking marijuana may increase the risk of infectious organisms. Taradiff, J. "Marijuana and the War on Drugs. “Marijuana. Farmington Hills, Michigan: Thomas Gale, 2008. 157. Print.
Statistics have shown that being addicted to marijuana poses no problem to that individual’s health and the persons associated with this individual. Hence, marijuana should not only be legalized for medicinal purposes but also for recreational purposes. The government should take into account improving revenue by legalizing marijuana and grab the earning opportunity from the drug faction. Additionally, marijuana prisoners are costing America millions annually, which could have been used to improve the educational or healthcare system of the country. Taking out marijuana from the illegal status would save the country millions of dollars in federal expenditure that could be used for development and numerous other programs that would have a more long-term and beneficial effect for the people. Moreover, legalization of marijuana sales would contribute significant tax revenues if it was going to be taxed like alcohol and tobacco. It is unnecessary for government to keep spending so much to enforcement the marijuana law, when in fact the law and law enforcement efforts are inadequate in keeping marijuana from
When we imagine the uses of marijuana, we see the dazed hippies of the 1960s and 70’s, but really the first written record of cannabis goes back to 2727 B.C. by Chinese Emperor Shen Nung and it has been dated through almost every historic time. Not only was cannabis used for recreational and medicinal properties, but hemp was also used for cloth and textiles, paper, soap and hygiene products, food, and even industrial products such as fuel. Marijuana is not just the idolized drug mentioned in countless songs and movies that we tend to dismiss as just a joke. It appears in our daily life in various ways mostly to eliminate it, but recently it has become a more controversial topic with the legalization in some states. The debate to end the prohibition has gone into the recent presidential campaign and with the knowledge of Colorado’s recent change to legalizing marijuana we can know evaluate the evidence. The Federal Government should legalize marijuana across the country because of the economic benefits, the societal impacts, and the economical effects.
Marijuana is the cause of much commotion and debating, as the question of legalization becomes more of an issue. Drugs are a major influential force in countries all over the world today. Legalization is an option that has not had a chance, but really should be given one. Although many people feel that legalizing marijuana would increase the amount of drug use, legalization would benefit for the following reasons: 1)reduction of money spent on law enforcement 2)increase in the countries revenue 3)lessen crime 4)useful in treating certain medical conditions.
Prohibition hasn 't stopped the use and domestic production of marijuana so it 's time everyone faced the facts. Marijuana should be legal because punishment such as prohibition or incarceration does not help the country in any way shape or form but in return causes a lot of problems. There is no true good evidence that prohibition or even incarceration decreases the use of drugs or drug dealing. Actually there are many theories that suggest prohibition might actually increase drug use i.e. the "forbidden fruit" effect, and easier accessibility for the youth. Prohibition and incarceration has failed to control the use and domestic production of marijuana. The government has tried to use criminal penalties to prevent marijuana use for more than 75 years and yet marijuana is now being used by over 25 million people every year. Marijuana is currently the largest cash crop in the United States, and marijuana is grown all over the world whether it is grown legal or illegal. Claims that marijuana prohibition is a successful policy are outrageous and very much so unsupported by the facts. Arrests for marijuana possession mostly affect blacks and Hispanics and reinforce many people’s perception that law enforcement is biased and prejudiced against minorities. Blacks account for approximately 13% of the population of the United States and about 13.5%
One of America’s biggest controversy today is the legalization of marijuana. There are two forms of marijuana usage, medicinal and recreational. Personally I am in favor of medicinal and recreational use of marijuana. In comparison to the use of prescription pain killers (Opiates) and alcohol, the use of marijuana is far safer. The legalization of marijuana would lead to reduced crime rates and increase local, state and federal revenue.
The United States has been involved in a failing battle versus marijuana since the execution of the Uniform Narcotic Act in the 1930's. Americans are not only squandering almost eight billion a year, Americans are losing probable income. Americans could be in a position to gain a profit of a significant amount of revenues if marijuana were to be legal and structured by the Department of Agriculture (Norml, 2014). Revenue from the tax system of marijuana purchases would extend from about two and a half billion for each year if marijuana were taxed like conventional inventory products to six billion if it were taxed like tobacco or alcohol.
Casual marijuana advocates often overstate the economic impact from legalization. Some even make a ludicrous suggestion that it would pay off the national debt. Legal marijuana, just like any other single solution, can’t fix our national debt. It was $16.4 trillion when it reached the debt ceiling on December 31, 2012. Nevertheless, there clearly are no perfect forecasts for determining the potential economic impact of the legal marijuana industry in the future. However, according to the available data, approximately 1 in every 10 Americans smokes marijuana at least once a year. Among them, about 24 million Americans smoke marijuana on a regular basis. CNBC offered a moderate estimate that a fully legal marijuana industry would generate $16-20 billion in taxes and $40 billion in sales annually. Clearly legal marijuana wouldn’t be the economic miracle as some people expect it to be, but it still represents a massive economic impact. As the former Senator Everett Dirksen reportedly once said, “A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you’re talking real money.”