
Marie Curie: A Career Role Model

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What, how and who?
Every individual needs a career role model, without being inspired by someone we wouldn’t have chosen a career.
CAREER A career is the period that spans all the working years of our life, a career can go through many changes but we only get one. A Role model is someone who other individuals aspire to be like, either in the present or in the future. “ To succeed… you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you.”-Tony Dorsett. ( American former football running back in national league)
Does everyone need a career role model? There are many people who have done a great thing in life without having a career role model. Is role …show more content…

Marie Curie was the first woman to receive the doctoral degree and two Nobel prizes. Marie Curie faced many troubles in a male dominated field .she became a famous female scientist. She didn’t leave her love for science in the laboratories, she followed her enthusiasm for science. She is recognized as the elements of radium and polonium, along with many discoveries, which led to the first looks at the treatment of cancer. She determined that x-ray will help the doctors to find the bullets and made that into a compact one to fit in an ambulance. During the WW1 , her discoveries helped the doctors. People who have chosen science as the career should know about Marie to get inspired and to be like her. A Woman who thinks that they can’t win anything in this male dominating world should read about her. Those who read about her would have become bold enough to face the world without fear.
HELEN KELLER Helen Keller overcame many struggles being blind and deaf. she spoke about her experiences to motivate others .she was the first person to earn Bachelor degree in Arts.. she was a speaker among the disabled.
“ Once I knew only darkness and stillness… only life was without past and future… but a little word from the fingers of another fell into my hand clutched at emptiness, and my heart leaped to the rapture of living”- Helen

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