
Marginalization In Canada Essay

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Marginalization of Chinese Immigrants in Canada: Annodation & Outline
Thesis: The multicultural policies in Canada relates to the marginalization of Chinese immigrants by reinforcing the stereotypes of minorities, and is ineffective against racism and inequalities.

Zaman, H. (2010). Racialization and marginalization of immigrants: A new wave of xenophobia in Canada. Labour/Le Travail, 66(1), 163-182.
This article reviews four books on the topic of the relationship between immigrants and racism in Canada. One finding involving the police-civilian relationship suggests that the majority of Chinese people who have been in contact with the police rate them negatively and less helpful, while the Chinese people that haven’t interacted with the police before would have higher trust for them. The study further suggests that the largest reason why Police are rated poorly among most Chinese immigrants is due to the barrier in communication, and the high expectation police have for these immigrants to communicate as effectively as “everyone else”. Thus, it is suggested at the end of the article that more bilingual officers might be needed to …show more content…

This suggests that the current system of multiculturalism is still creating economical inequalities for the immigrants, because how it fails to accommodate for the individual’s abilities (Man, 2004, p.139). For example, there are often aids provided by the government for women with children that mostly focuses on helping the child adapt to the Canadian environment. This makes it hard for the mother, whose culture demands her to stay home and take care of her children, to fully devote to her career (Man, 2004, p.143). As a result, most women are settled for low-paying jobs or even

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