
Marcus Linius Crassus

Decent Essays

The Life of Marcus Linius Crassus

Marcus Linius Crassus was one of the most rich and powerful Romans during his time. He was rich with both money and slaves, but mostly in victories, for he won many battles as a general whilst working for Sulla. This man made a phenomenal impact on the lives of many Romans, including his colleagues Gaius Julius Caesar and Gnaeus Pompey, but he also destroyed many as well. In the year of 115 BC, Marcus was born, taking his place in his miniscule house that already held two of his brothers, and their families, and both of his parents. Though born within a minute household, that did not stop Crassus from doing great things, for when Crassus was in his late twenties, he and the majority of his family (including a man named Cinna), stole Rome right out from under Sulla’s supporters. During this massive …show more content…

The slave was instructed to leave the food and walk away without looking back. As a gift, Pracacius also sent Marcus two slave women. These women were meant to run errands and accommodate to his “physical needs”. A few months after, his good friend Cinna died. After this depressing time, Crassus came out of hiding and gathered 2,500 men to fight in his army. When he successfully built this band of warriors, he joined Sulla, a great general and statesman, fighting alongside him and earning a good reputation as he ruled with the man in 97 BCE. Together, Marcus and Sulla did not rule over many, merely Iberia and Lusitania. Over time, Marcus received many accolades for his accompanying Sulla during Sulla’s campaigns in Italy, but, sadly, not long after, Marcus was knocked down by the man, due to his excessive greed and need to purchase land. Though he was greedy, Crassus had no reason to be. He had other sources of income such as mines and slaves. (First he would buy the slaves, train them, and then sell

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