
Mao Zedong

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Mao’s approach to political leadership as a revolutionary was summed up in the phrase, “Correct leadership must come from the masses and go to the masses.” What was Mao’s philosophy of how to lead a revolution, before and after 1949?

Initially a radical revolutionary then a committed Marxist, Mao’s philosophy on how to lead a revolution was bathed in Nationalism. It is Mao’s love for China’s independence coupled with agrarian reforms that put Mao on the road to power. After 1949, Nationalism would reappear in Mao’s cultural policies, his relationship with Moscow and underdeveloped countries.

Mao feared nothing and no one. Using Marxism-Leninism as a framework, Mao proposed the use of peasants to create his revolutionary elite. His …show more content…

In the 1920s, as the CCP began to take shape, Mao participated in regional study groups (Cheek, 10). The Soviet Union’s involvement with the group brought Marxism-Leninisn ideology to China’s doorstep. There was an immediate conflict. The Soviet Union’s focus on the proletariat or the industrial working class was almost non-existent in China. The Soviet’s state policy also conflicted with China’s ideological program (Cheek, 10).

After Yat-sen died and Chiang Kai-shek surprise turn on the CCP, Mao immediately stepped up to fill the void. Mao began to mobilize the peasants and the poor through the rural areas in China. Mao believed that if China was to emerge as a world power the foundation building must begin at the bottom with China’s peasants and poor people. Mao traveled extensively throughout the country-side to capture, first hand, his account about the peasant movement. In Mao’s report on the Peasant Movement in Hunan he describes the organizing and rising of the peasants. Mao stated that the upsurge of the peasant movement was a colossal event (Cheek, Mao, 42).

Mao methodically charts the progresses being made by the peasants as they break away from the harsh and inhumane treatment of the evil landlords. Peasants create peasant associations (Cheek, 54), political structures are changed or destroyed by the peasants (Cheek, 55), military groups are established and landlord armed forces are overthrown (Cheek, 59), religious groups/clans/ancestral

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