
Mao Zedong Impact

Decent Essays

In the 1960’s, China’s government under Mao Zedong implemented a communist society by using a set of objectives and policies known as the Cultural Revolution. Mao nationalized private businesses disrupting the economic state of the people while enforcing his policies using a group of revolutionary enforcers known as the Red Guard. Mao’s focus on strict enforcement of these policies and his nationalization of businesses dramatically and negatively altered the life of the Chinese citizens. From 1927 to 1949, during China’s Civil War, the communists tried to seize control of China during a time when the communists saw that the system put in by the Qing Dynasty was now outdated and ineffective. ("China’s Cultural Revolution Begins") By taking …show more content…

One way that Mao Zedong negatively impacted the life of the average Chinese citizen during the Cultural Revolution was by forcing people to join the Red Guard. The government removed kids from school to educate and brainwash them to be communist and the government trained the Red Guards to torture those who did not follow Mao’s policies. A former Red Guard who left school said, “One day I went to school... and one of my classmates... reported me to the Red Guards, for he wished [for us] to join them ("Eyewitness: Cultural Revolution”).” This negativity altered the life for the Chinese people because it took away the education of the next generation and instead put in place one type of idea, communism. The kids were brainwashed with ideas and obligations of Maoism a form of communism. The government would control and dictate the children’s future, not letting them explore the world with their own eyes. Another way that Mao Zedong used the Cultural Revolution to negatively to alter the life of the Chinese citizens was by creating and enforcing through the Red Guard, many new policies and obligations, including the Little Red Book. This was a book written by Mao Zedong with his new ideas of how life should be. In the book it states, “Policy is the starting-point of all the practical actions of a revolutionary party and manifests itself in the process and the end-result of that party's …show more content…

One way that the Cultural Revolution, started by Mao Zedong, impacted China’s economy was that the Red Guard took out trained workers out of their current jobs in factories and other common and necessary jobs the government instead put in untrained workers. “Because intellectuals were seen as enemies, revolutionary committees took over the running of Chinese enterprises. Made up of workers, party members, and soldiers, these committees replaced trained administrators. Engineers and technicians were dismissed, sent to camps, and sometimes tortured or killed” ("China’s Cultural Revolution Begins").The action of taking out and killing the professional and trained employees and putting people in who were slowed the production of the goods, including food that affected the life of the citizens dramatically. The untrained employees did not know how to use the machines to make the products, leaving them behind and slowly producing what was needed of them for their goods. Another way the Cultural Revolution impacted the economics of China was the people were left in poverty for many years during and after the Cultural Revolution. “After 1960, given the reality of famine and a poorly performing economy more generally, the government simply stopped publishing statistical data on economic performance”(Perkins).The government was so embaressed from the country’s poor preforming economy,

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