
Mansa Musa Dbq

Satisfactory Essays

Overall, Mansa Musa was a good ruler, as he allowed the kingdom to flourish and succeed. Firstly, after Mansa Musa went on the hajj, it says in the text that ”Mansa Musa returned to Mali in 1325 and kick started a golden age for one of Africa’s most famous cities.” (Doc G1) When Mansa Musa came back, he decided to help the kingdom continue to progress, which is something that only a good king would do. Next, despite becoming a leader when the kingdom was already large and wealthy, he continued to improve it. The writing states that “Mansa Musa also increased the wealth of Mali, exporting the gold and salt trade and encouraging copper trade with Egypt.” (Background Essay) While king, Mansa Musa utilized trade routes that allowed him to keep

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