Human Resource Strategies for the
International Manager
Module leader: Dr. Francesca Andreescu
Topic: Manners Europe
Name: Venkatesh Teja Kotrike
Student Id: w14087442
Name: Venkatesh Teja Kotrike
Student Id: w14087442
Executive Summary 3
Introduction 4 Background 4
Findings and Analyses 5 National Culture 5 Organizational Culture 6 Motivation 7 Recruitment and HR planning 7 Communication 8 Management Style 9 Training 9
Recommendations 10
References 12
Executive Summary
Human Resource is an important function performed in organizations to ensure employee satisfaction. The importance of HR is growing, especially in organizations operating in more than one nation.
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The analysis is based on how the divergence in European and American labour market affected the company, culture being the major factor. The following section provides recommendations based on the problems analysed in this section.
National Culture
According to Greet Hofstade, “Culture is the collective programming of the mind distinguishing the members of one group or category of people from others” (Hofstede, n.d.). It can be analysed from the definition that, not all groups of people are same. People of different regions-nations have different understanding and ways of doing things that differentiates them from the other. Thus, an organization should try to adapt to the host country’s culture to ensure success. Failure to do so seizes the corporation from achieving its goals (Gudykunst, 2000).
Cultural difference is one of the major factors that affected the performance of Manners Europe. Being a United States Corporation, Manners Europe’s failure to adapt to Dutch culture led to its inefficiency. The work ethics, management style, motivational tools used were more American in nature than Dutch. The five dimensions model proposed by Hofstede is used to understand the difference between the Dutch and the American culture.
The dimension model of Hofstede states that, there are five dimensions that make a culture different from the other:
Human resource is an appellation used in referring to the workforce of an organization or company. Human resource management is involved in the act of putting together employees in an organized manner to assure the objectives of the organization are achieved in a competent and experienced manner. Human resources are the most important services of any organization since they are the catalysts of non-human resources and the medium for developing competitive advantages and sounds of creativity. No organization can exist without a human resources department (Walsh, 2009). A company without an HR department would be reducing its operations and could collapse within a short amount of time.
This paper is a report on cross-cultural management, with the issues related to cross-cultural management being discussed in the paper. Additionally, the report has produced the future way of cross-cultural management, including how it can be improved in offices relying much on this strategic approach.
Culture and the environment affect a business in many ways. Culture is not simply a different language, a different shade of skin, or different styles of food. Culture, and the environment in which you are a part of, affect the running of day to day business operations of all companies’ day in and day out. This paper will assess how Linda Myers, from the article, “The would-be pioneer,” (Green, S., 2011) was affected by the huge culture shock of working for a global conglomerate from Seoul, South Korea. We will discuss what went wrong with Ms. Myers approach to business, Hofstede’s five dimensions of culture as it
For the successful business, it is must to be aware of the culture of international country with we are doing business or trading. Cultural difference in business can aid in building international competencies as well as enabling to get a competitive benefit. It is difficult to be aware of every aspect of the other country’s organisational culture.
Understanding the culture in the target market is essential for managing a subsidiary efficiently because the client will be part of that culture and will be subject to daily cultural interaction. Thus, the more the client is aware of the other culture, the higher the chances to succeed in managing the subsidiary. One way to understand the differences in a culture is through Hofstede’s country comparison. Even though Hofstede’s model and theory are subject to a lot of criticism, they are widely accepted by academic researchers and professionals as a mean to understand cultural differences (for a better understanding of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions please visit:
Multinational companies consider the culture is an important factor because they send employees to overseas companies to control and supervise the subsidiaries. It is one of the abilities to adjust the overseas culture. This adjustment will affect their assignments although it affects the organization. (strubler et al., 2011, p10). The employees of Padi-cepat should be aware about the cultural differences and adopt the culture and make profit to the company
Considerable time is wasted by employees who find themselves in new environments where they work out in determining the interworking of different cultures. Different employees also depict different abilities and degrees to which they will adapt to the new culture, and this plays a huge role in hindering performance levels of the individual employee and hence the level of performance for the overall organization (Handin & Steinwedel, 2006). The low-performance levels will also lead to wastage of the organizational resources leading to the overall decline in the competitive advantage that is enjoyed by any firm in the business world. Different norms and expectations are brought to the front by any culture under study
Whether an organization consists of five or 25,000 employees, human resources management is vital to the success of the organization. HR is important to all managers because it provides managers with the resources – the employees – necessary to produce the work for the managers and the organization. Beyond this role, HR is capable of becoming a strong strategic partner when it comes to “establishing the overall direction and objectives of key areas of human resource management in order to ensure that they not only are consistent with but also support the achievement of business goals.” (Massey, 1994, p. 27)
Geert hofstede presented various dimensions of culture by evaluating values concerning work of International business management employees. Geert's most master peace of work was recognised when he divided culture into four different dimensions: Power distance, uncertainty avoidance, Individualism versus collectivism, masculinity versus femininity, Long-term orientation vs. short-term orientation and Indulgence vs. restraint. GLOBE expanded the study to give a more proper explanation of national culture and expanded the dimensions from five to nine as he felt that hofstede’s study was very simplistic and lacked dynamic aspects of national culture. GLOBE study dimensions were- Uncertainity
Cultural difference between countries raises many issues for firms entering foreign markets. Understanding the local culture is the initial step in helping firms better understand the
The objective of the Human Resource Department is to design management systems to ensure human talent is maximized to effectively and efficiently achieve organizational goals. HR has seven functions that are intertwined. These functions are global, environmental, cultural geographic, political, social, legal, economic, and technological. Human resource management has the potential to drastically impact the success and effectiveness of an organization. Human Resources has heavily focused on recordkeeping and paperwork. It has often been considered a clerical and low-level administrative department. In most organizations, Human Resources is looked upon as the employee mediator in the organization. They tend to be the voice of the employee, building company morale and putting out fires involving crisis management. The problems they deal with are both employee work-related and not work-related. HR strives to ensure fair treatment for all employees. They work with varying departments throughout the organization in order to create and implement necessary programs and policies. HR works with equal employment opportunity and other laws, to ensure compliance. They work to fill current job openings by processing applications, interviewing, and training. They answer questions regarding benefits and wages and address safety issues. The expansion of technology and outsourcing have drastically transformed the
According to The Oxford Dictionary, culture is defined as “the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people or other social group (Oxford, 2016).” With the rise of multiculturalism and diversity across many nations, understanding and practicing cultural etiquette within the business arena has never been of greater importance. Geert Hofstede, a well known leader in intercultural research and studies, conducted a comprehensive study in which he analyzed how culture influenced the values rooted within the workplace (The Hofstede Centre, 2016). Hofstede focused on evaluating nations based on the following dimensions in order to be better equipped culturally, socially and professionally: Power Distance Index (PDI), Individualism versus Collectivism (IDV), Masculinity versus Femininity (MAS), Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI), Long Term Orientation versus Short Term Normative Orientation (LTO) and Indulgence versus Restraint (IND). For the purposes of this research paper, a brief country profile of China, Ethiopia and Germany is provided along with an analysis of the six cultural dimensions of Hofstede at work in these countries in comparison to the United States of America.
The rapid progress of globalisation in the past two to three decades has brought new and more complex challenges to the human resource management (HRM) of firms expanding their businesses abroad. In order to meet the demands of expatriated and foreign employees, firms had to adapt their usual HRM practices. This process gave rise to what is now known as International Human Resource Management (IRHM).
Human Resource is an important factor in any organization. The progress of human resource is the major reason for the growth and development of organization. So in every organization roles of human resources should be clearly defined to have an effective performance from their side.
In today’s globalized environment, business culture is becoming more and more complex. It is because of the amalgamation of various cultures from all over the world. The business encompasses heterogeneous human resource. The employees working in the same organization come from different countries and they belong to different traditions and customers. In multinational companies especially, the employees coming from the different parts of the world come together to attain the common organizational goals. Moreover, having the status of being multinational, the company has its set up in different countries. To establish business, the company also has to deal with so many people from different countries. In such situation, the company needs the