
Manipulation In A Sorrowful Woman By Gale Godwin

Satisfactory Essays

In the short story “ A Sorrowful Woman” by Gale Godwin, a mother is torn apart from her family through her husband's deliberate manipulation. The father from the start of the story is described as “durable, receptive, gentle;” (Godwin 1) and follows through with his characteristics until a small question arises. Throughout the story he helps and cares for his horribly depressed wife, trying to make her life easier however he can all the way to her death. One detail that contradicts his kindness is his usage of a “little glass of cognac followed by a big glass of dark liquid” (Godwin 5), in order to make his wife go to sleep. Being that the husband is so welcoming it is no wonder as to why the mother wouldn't question his methods, and

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