
Manipulation And Jealousy In Shakespeare's Othello

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It is interesting to notice how Iago uses images of manipulation, violence, betrayal, and jealousy in Shakespeare’s play, Othello the Moor of Venice. Iago is doing this because he is insecure about himself, and he wants to see other’s fail. Iago uses the innocence of Barbantio, Cassio, Emilia, and Roderigo to dehumanize Othello.
Iago stresses the fact that he hates Othello for giving Cassio the position of lieutenant, which he wants for himself. Therefore, one of Othello’s most “honest” followers tries to deeply hurt him. Iago first begins his revenge of Othello by informing Barbantio of his daughter’s marriage. Not only was Barbantio furious because his innocent, Desdemona, does not tell him about the fact that she is in love and married to …show more content…

They believed his words, and even called him “honest Iago”, because anytime something came in-between his lies, he would get rid of it to keep his truthful and loyal appearance. For example, Roderigo paid Iago to help him have Desdemona’s love. Iago manipulates him to continue paying him when he felt hopeless by saying, “Ere I would say I would drown myself for the love of a guinea hen, I would change my humanity with a baboon” (1.3.310-311). Other words, it is stated that if Roderigo were to kill himself over a woman, he would lose his respect as a man and become more of an animal. However, Iago later kills Roderigo, during the riot with Cassio so that he won’t have to pay back all the money that he been stealing from him to send to Desdemona. During that riot, he also tries to stab Cassio from the back, to avoid the truth of the affair getting to Othello. Othello is manipulated to the point that he lets himself get influenced into turning to a monster. Again, Iago goes behind his back and speaks of him suggesting that his noble-manner is a falsehood. Jealousy, Othello’s only flaw in the play, caused him to kill his wife, …show more content…

He never compared people to animals or used animals in his everyday language. This changed once Iago began to manipulate and lie to him. As Othello’s character changed from good to evil, he started to use animal imagery”. Iago’s malicious habits began to rub onto Othello, which caused Othello to dehumanize others as well. Iago deceived Othello, and now he is deceiving Desdemona, playing cards against her. Othello tells Desdemona that an Egyptian "charmer" gave it to his mother to keep his father under her spell (3.4.67), other words saying if presents dignity. Othello tries to deceive Desdemona Othello then begins to feel this overwhelming guilt for murdering his wife for choosing Iago’s words over her, and then kills himself as

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