
Manipulating Behavior In Gone Girl By Gillian Flynn

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In Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn creates a world full of distasteful characters to show how their manipulating behaviour is a result of their dissatisfaction. Each time one of the characters try to lie and manipulate others or even themselves, it reflects on how unhappy they are with their situation thins. And it is because of this that the more dissatisfied you are, the more inclined you are to hurt and try to control your environment. Both of Amy and Nick’s problems with the way they act can be seen as a deeply rooted in their lifestyles growing up. While Amy was a child, she was the inspiration for the best-selling children book series, Amazing Amy. Her parents, who were the authors of Amazing Amy, used the books in a passive-aggressive way …show more content…

Amy had set up the foundation in getting Nick framed, the public also manipulate the masses to go against him. After multiple photos of Nick not looking distraught over Amy’s disappearance, Ellen Abbot accuses Nick of murdering her. Unhappy with the way he is reacting, she says, “This is not how an innocent man looks,” on live television. One of Amy’s so-called friends that she ends up manipulating and telling her false things, Noelle, creates a huge scene during the public vigil claiming Nick was a murderer and that Amy was too afraid of him to tell him that she was pregnant. Another player in Amy’s games are Desi and Andie. Although Amy thinks she is manipulating him, he is getting his way. He had a private cabin that had a greenhouse full of her favourite flowers that would bloom all year prepared months before she goes to him for help. Amy realizes this as well as, “the manipulation, the purring persuasion, the delicate bullying. […] And if he doesn’t get his way, he’ll pull his little levers and set his punishment in motion.” Andie is Nick’s mistress. After being turned down by Nick, she reveals that her and Nick have been having an affair, applying more pressure onto Nick. Amy also calls her out on her ploy on trying to make herself out as just an innocent, babysitter next door. Even though it may not be as big as Amy’s plans and lies, everyone has shown their hand in manipulating and

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