
Manic Depression And The Gemini Disorder

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Jessica Gulino Professor Boms BIO 1 November, 2016 Manic depression, or “The Gemini disorder” is most commonly known as Bipolar Disorder. This illness is a brain disorder, which causes abrupt and unusual mood shifts. These irritable mood shifts can be related to the individual’s energy, activity levels, or their ability to carry out daily tasks. This disorder goes beyond the ordinary mood swings we all are aware of. Manic depression has four forms that are characterized as periods of acute elevation of elatedness, or irritability. More often than not, the symptoms begin as an adolescent, though, they can also occur as a young child or even middle age. These forms of bipolar disorder are diagnosed in more than three million people a year, and are linked to their genetic material. People who have Bipolar Disorder fluctuate between two abnormal mood states. Mania is accompanied by euphoria or excitation, whereas depression is associated with decreased motivation and energy levels. Psychosis can occur with either state and leads to a seventeen percent chance of the person attempting to commit suicide in their lifetime. There are three types of bipolar disorders, type 1, type 2, and Cyclothymia. Bipolar I is characterized by one or more manic episodes or mixed episodes. Typically a person who has this type will experience periods of depression and is marked by extreme manic episodes. Bipolar II disorder is diagnosed after more than one major depressive episode and a minimum of

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