
Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Laws Should Be Legal Essay

Decent Essays

Mandatory minimum sentencing laws entail binding prison terms to a certain length for people who have been convicted of state or federal crimes. These intransigent, “universally adaptable” sentencing laws may seem like an easy and quick solution for crime. However, these laws prevent judges from suiting the punishment to the criminal according to their offenses. Mandatory minimum sentencing causes not only state but federal prisons to overcrowd, extortionate tax costs, and deflect from law enforcement funds. Often times when a judge issues a sentence they have relatively no say on whether or not the defendant receives the sentence they deserve. Working as a federal judge no longer seems to be about presiding rather than strictly abiding to mandatory minimum sentencing laws. These laws almost entirely take judges out of the mix which can be very detrimental to the system. The purpose of a judge is to fairly convict criminals to a sentence they believe necessary. Now, judges are just mediators between these laws and the defendant. These laws also do not guarantee that the sentence is just to the crime. Crimes such as kidnapping with a firearm is only punishable from one year to twenty-five meaning that the kidnapper would be out and capable of committing the crime once again after release. Home invasion has a minimum of ten and a maximum of twenty five years in prison, once again giving opportunity for the crime to be repeated. Not only this but heinous acts such as

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