
Management and Leadership Essay

Decent Essays

Management and Leadership

What is leadership? Leadership is having the ability to give guidance to those that will follow. Those that follow will help to complete the mission. Leadership is a soft science, just as anthropology, sociology and psychology. It cannot be proven exactly what it is. Leadership is an art, the skillful application of leadership behaviors beyond techniques is much the same as the skillful application of brushstrokes by a master painter. Leadership is both rational and emotional. It involves both sides of human experience. It includes actions and influences based on reason and logic as well those based on inspiration and passion. Leadership is a social process shared among all members of a group. Leadership …show more content…

Managers enforce the rules. Leaders make the policies. Managers enforce the policies. When both are doing their jobs, they are performing their leadership roles. Leaders inspire and managers are effective. Leaders innovate. Managers administer. Leaders look at situations in a long-term view. Managers look at situations in a short-term view. Leaders ask what and why. Managers ask how and when. Managers accept the status quo. Leaders challenge the status quo. Managers do things right. Leaders do the right things. Leadership is a process that includes managers. If you look at leadership, you will see good management at work. Leadership and management work hand in hand with one another. They both need support from each process in order to achieve its?goals. Leadership is not just based on the leader. In assessing leadership you must look at the leader the follower and the situation. One must do an assessment of the leader. Assess the reaction of what you expect from the follower. Look at the situation and environment that surrounds the whole concept. A leader is a servant to his followers. The followers must also serve the leader. Both must serve their common goal. Leaders have nothing to do with leadership. Leadership is 100% service and 100% partnership.

To maintain good leadership, one must keep good relationship between leaders and followers. Leadership and follower-ship are both like a two way street. You must give respect both ways in order to have good relations.

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