
Management Reassignment: Case Study

Decent Essays

I hope it is not presumptuous of me to email you personally, however, I wanted to ensure it was being conveyed to you what I see as an opportunity to move into another organization within Fort Bragg due to the management reassignment. I was cautiously optimistic to learn all resumes would be reviewed for possible positions on the installation at your request.

We were informed our office will go from six auditors to three auditors, but we would all be given a chance to move to another organization. I personally wanted to ensure you know when the decision is made for the management reassignment, I am open to the opportunity to move to another organization. I believe this is chance for me to be in charge of my own career choice and contribute to my career growth. …show more content…

My mission is to ensure my hard work and diligent efforts will effect changed for the installation, the Army and my career. My innate leadership skills, ability to provide excellent customer service, willingness to assist others within Internal Review and outside organizations are impeccable. Any organization will find I am a self-starter, have a willingness to go above and beyond duty and would easily fit within any

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