
Man Born Evil In The Efflies In The Lord Of The Flies

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Man is Born Innocent And Society Corpus Them
In society today people have different beliefs about how man is born. Some may believe that man is born evil and society is what brings it out of them. Others believe that man is born innocent and society corrupts them. “When we are children we seldom think of the future. This innocence leaves us free to enjoy ourselves as few adults can. The day we fret about the future is the day we leave our childhood behind”, ( Rothfuss, N.D.). This quote explains how when man is little, he is born innocent and doesn’t understand the way of life or how it will affect him. Society is what corrupts a childs mind. ¨ The child is born absolutely innocent there is no seed of corruption in them. Corruption is manufactured by man. (The Nature Outlaw, N.D)¨. When children are born they are completely innocent. What corrupts them is society and the people in it. When a person grows up in a home of drug abuse and gang affiliated families. The children tend to take on the habits of their parents because they are around it, and were never taught different. Society can corrupt you in many different ways.
Society's corruptions are what affects the human ability to stay innocent. In the book, The Lord of The Flies, it shows how a corrupted society really is. The Lord of The Flies is writen by William Golding. The book proves how society affects the morals of human nature. In the beginning of the book, Golding writes how the little boys plane

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