
Mammy's Role Model

Decent Essays

The next movie to have strong female role model characteristics is gone with the wind. In the movie the viewers are introduced to Mammy who is the sassy, caring, and loving slave of the O’Hara’s. Mammy is a role model because she is a slave, but she does not care and she loves the people who own her. There are many times in the film that show Mammy being sassy, loving, and caring towards Scarlett. When Scarlett does something that Mammy doesn’t approve of she lets it known. Towards the beginning of the film Scarlett does not want to eat before she goes to the Wilkes party because Ashley like girls who ate a lot. Mammy told Scarlett that if she did not eat, she was going to tell Mrs. O’Hara. This tactic got Scarlett to eat even though she was …show more content…

Edna is the movie’s main character and she is a woman who should be viewed as a role model. Her characteristics that make her a role model include: being determined and hardworking. After Edna’s husband’s death, she try’s her hardest to find a way to pay off the bank. An African-American man named Moze’s kept asking her for a job. Moze was caught for stealing silverware from her, but she saved him. She told him that he could have a job, but he would have to teach her how to plant cotton. She now had it in her mind that she would pay the bank back with the money she made from the cotton and nobody was going to change her mind. She was determined and she did not want her family to be split up. At one point in the movie she even took in a border to help relieve some of the cost. When it was time for the cotton to be picked Moze’s said it was not ready and that it would take days to pick it and that they were not going to reach the deadline. Edna told him that she would work day and night and so would everyone else till it was picked. She told them that she did not care if it killed them and if they tried to stop her or get in her way they could go to hell. They ended up getting all the cotton picked on time and were able to be the first ones at the cotton gin. When Edna and Moze’s were waiting for Mr. Simmons, Moze gave her advice and told her not to pay the gin cotton fee. Edna spent her time with Mr. Simmons trying to get him to pay her more than the going rate of cotton and she ends up winning. At one point Mr. Simmons asked her to leave, but she found his weakness. She told Mr. Simmons that if she left it would probably be the first year that he would not get the first bale of cotton for the season and that another dealer might just go for the same price she requested. Edna ended up getting the price for the cotton up to 3.75 cents a pound and a

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