
Malcolm X Post Mecca Analysis

Decent Essays

To examine Malcolm’s new approach is to look at what he saw during his travel to Mecca and actions leading to him traveling to Mecca. Malcolm was kicked out of The Nation of Islam for making a forbidden remark on the assassination of JFK. Malcolm’s remark was “the chickens came home to roost” for saying so he got silenced. Soon after he starts to question Elijah since he committed a crime forbidden in the Nation which is adultery. “He was the man who trained me, who had treated me as if I were his own flesh and blood” (X, 305). Malcolm starts to reflect on Elijah who he looked upon as a god and feeling as if it were true. Malcolm soon starts to teach on his own and decides he wants to build a Muslim Mosque to only African Americans. To do …show more content…

Malcolm no longer viewed whites as evil and believed for a cross race alliance. Malcolm X visits several African nations that have won their independence from European powers and is inspired. “I’ve never seen so many whites so nice to many blacks as you white people in Africa”(X, 362). Malcolm is seeing all the racial integration within Africa and is overwhelmed by it. Malcolm gets inspired with the context of a worldwide movement and is creating a new version of Islam with philosophy from different versions of Islam. Malcolm X wanted part-unity and socialism that now accepted white people into his organization wanting it to grow. He was giving out full support for other black organizations trying to achieve results. Also he was beginning to work with other black leaders like Martin Luther King whom he criticized. Malcolm started to criticize The Nation of Islam with saying that Elijah was fake and that the Nation was blinding blacks which was hurting the human rights movement. The movement Malcolm made had little support because of the mind-set of the black community at the time. The African Community mindset is that they have been controlled and weakened by racism so Malcolm needs to be strong to fight for human rights. So Malcolm preaches the problems with blacks in America to change their

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