
Malaysia 's Income Inequality Trend Essay

Decent Essays

From figure 5 and figure 6 we can infer that Singapore has most volatile GDP per capita and GDP per capita growth rate whereas Indonesia has most stable GDP per capita and GDP per capita growth rate which are unaffected by global economic recession and other global economic factors. Figure 5. GDP per capita from 2007 to 2015 Figure 6. GDP per capita growth rate from 2007 to 2015 4. Income Inequality Figure 7. Income inequality trend From the figure 7, we can infer that Indonesia has lowest Income inequality, but in the recent few years, the seems to be increasing. Malaysia has high income inequality but it is having a decreasing trend. Singapore’s income inequality trend is almost at the same level. In the year 2015 the income inequality of all the three countries has become almost equal i.e. ~ 41%. Based on the above done analysis of 3 countries i.e. Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore we can find that • Indonesia is the most populated country among the three countries • Indonesia’s and Malaysia’s population growth trend is almost constant, it is not decreasing too fast like Singapore. • Indonesia’s and Malaysia’s population distribution is triangular shaped unlike Singapore’s population distribution which has less population in the age group 0 – 20 years. Singapore will have more aged people in the near future. • Indonesia’s GDP increased rapidly increased in the period 2008 to 2010, whereas, Malaysia’s and Singapore’s GDP are at the same level. • Malaysia’s and

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