
Malala Yousafzai Struggles

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Malala Yousafzai is a teen activist who overcame obstacle`s and is recognized for her many achievements. Malala`s early life affected who she would become. Malala was born on July 12th 1997 in Mingora Pakistan. She became an advocate for girl`s education, as it says in the text by (Lieve, 2013) Malala overcame many obstacles. She survived when she got shot by the Taliban. Gave a speech, and the title was “how dare the Taliban take away my basic right to education”? she got shot when she was on the bus traveling home from school, as it says in the text by (Foreign staff, 2015). Malala accomplished many important things in her life. She became a symbol of struggle for girl`s rights all over the world. Malala said, “they thought

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