
Malala Research Paper

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Imagine a world where men and women are treated equally; both go to work, get paid the same for the same amount of work. Imagine a world where there was no such thing as sexism and women could dress however they wanted and not be judged. A world where they could grow up to be whoever they wanted to be whether it was the Prime minister of Canada or an engineer. This is the world we should strive for. A fair world is the world we need to be happy. Your gender should not restrict you from being who you want to be. Women have so many less privileges than men do in our world today. In some cases, women do much more work than men but are treated like garbage. Women don't get the same right to education as men, they don't get same salary as men and the same …show more content…

In this paragraph I will be talking about the fact that women don't get the same right to education as men do. Men can go to school and learn while women have to stay home and do housework. First of all, Malala is an activist of women's rights. Malala's story began on October 9,2012,the day a man with a handkerchief loaded a bus with 20 singing girls. The man asked ''Who is Malala'' and the girls glanced to a young 15 year old at the back of the bus. Malala was named after her mother who died in a battle. So Malala was born, her father was a teacher and refused the way fathers in his culture were expected consequent to having daughters; instead, he wrote her into his clan's family tree—a distinction usually reserved for boys. And Malala's sense of justice came young. When, at an early age, she saw children living on a garbage dump, she wrote a letter to God. "Give me strength and courage," she pleaded. "I want to make this world perfect."Malala hated the fact that she had to cover her face when boys could go walking down the streets freely. But the real crisis came when she was 10 years old —in the form of the Taliban .then she got scared not of the Taliban but because they were banning girls'

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