
Making A Decision For A Career

Decent Essays

Making a Decision
As a junior in highschool, I do not have an abundance of time left to come up with a strategy for my life after I graduate. After that life’s free ride is over and I will not have anyone to dictate what I do or where I go. I have spent most all of my school career searching for a adult career. I believe a viable choice for my profession; one that I have interests in, suits my desired lifestyle, education goals, and skills; is a job as a Physician Assistant.
What I Know
Ever since I was little, I have had an interest in a career in the medical field. When I was seven, I was diagnosed with Spastic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy. My condition demanded traveling to massive pediatric hospitals, being examined by physicians, and …show more content…

Reasons for Writing As I have said earlier, I have only about a year and a half of time left before I pack up my belongings and head off to college. I have put a great amount of thought and consideration into my choices; however, I have not made a definite decision on my future. The thought of going out into the world without any idea as to what I will be doing is frightening. So I would have to say that my main reason for writing this paper is searching in depth for a answer for my future. Even if I do not find a clear-cut solution, I will at least narrow down my choices. Moreover, I want to make absolutely sure that the career I commit to is one I would enjoy. I have many varied interests such as art, biology, chemistry, history, and writing. Having so many interest does not help , when I also tend to be indecisive. I have changed career goals at least three times in the last year. Ultimately, my goal is to have a rewarding career that I am passionate about.
The Search According to several personality, job interest, and job skills assessments, I should be looking at careers based in science. My personality, as described by the Myer-Briggs questionnaire, support a job where I have the opportunity to investigate ("INTP Personality (“The Logician”)."). I have potential in the areas of Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, Natural Science, and Social Science

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