
Maker's Story Narrative

Decent Essays

The Maker’s Story: The New Retail Narrative

By Jay Highland

As retail experience makers, we pay close attention to patterns and trends that influence how consumers interact with brands. Design cues and aesthetic considerations aside, we notice product and merchandise stories that are compelling, surprising, and most importantly, authentic. Consumers today are looking for more contextually rich retail experiences that allow them to learn about where products come from and how they’re made. The new retail narrative is about the “maker’s story” and developing a stronger point of connection with consumers. We like to know where our products originate, and how the brands we love make the stuff we buy. The trend likely began with our food culture, and an ever-growing desire to support real and local products. And this trend has definitively crossed over into classic retail. There’s a bit of old-school mentality here; we are more likely to become brand loyalists and champions of products that truly connect with our lives. And when a passion product becomes a retail destination, the recipe for success is even more likely to succeed. If you’re looking to craft your own Maker’s Story, here are a few brands that tackling the challenge exceptionally well. Follow their examples, and be a maker.

Mast Brothers …show more content…

During a time when most specialty shops purchase bulk chocolate from larger corporations, they focused on bringing things back to their origins -- the bean. At their Brooklyn flagship factory, the detailed production is showcased throughout the space. A chalkboard wall describes the bean-to-bar process, while guests can also check out the grinding schedule outlined on the burlap sacks of beans that decorate the space. Workshops, tours, and tastings grant guests exclusive access to the artisanal

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