
Make Your Own Bed Analysis

Decent Essays

Make Your Own Bed Essay Ivan Resendez. In his book "Make Your Bed," Admiral William H. McRaven shares valuable life lessons from his experiences as a Navy SEAL. Throughout the book, Admiral McRaven illustrates these lessons by recounting events from his military career. This essay explores these lessons and explains their significance. Lesson 1: Start Your Day with a Task Completed. Admiral McRaven emphasizes the importance of starting your day with making your bed. He highlights that this seemingly mundane task can have a significant impact on the rest of your day. By making your bed, you start your day with a sense of order and accomplishment. It sets an uplifting tone, giving you a small but tangible victory that can serve as a foundation …show more content…

McRaven encourages you to make as many friends as possible as they may be beneficial in your future. Lesson 3: Only the Size of Your Heart Matters Admiral McRaven emphasizes the importance of character, resilience, and compassion over physical strength and abilities. McRaven suggests that true success and impact in life are determined by the size of a person’s heart. Referring to qualities such as kindness, empathy, integrity, and determination. Lesson 4: Life’s Not Fair, but Keep on Moving. Admiral McRaven talks about the idea of embracing failure and learning from it. During his Navy SEAL training, there was a particular punishment called the "sugar cookie" where trainees were to be covered in sand and forced to follow through with their training if. The term "sugar cookie" symbolizes the feeling of being uncomfortable, gritty, and coated with failure. He goes on to explain that no matter how hard you try, you can always end up as a “sugar cookie” and that's okay. You need to stand tall and don't complain or blame it on your misfortune. Look forward and drive on. Lesson 5: Failure Can Make You Stronger Admiral McRaven encourages readers to embrace the challenges and difficult tasks in life and face them

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