
Makayla Harper's Life Analysis

Decent Essays

Makayla Harper was an average 35 year old that was hard working and had a wonderful family. She was married to Nicholas Harper and they have a 22 month old baby girl. Makayla worked at Maine General as a PA and work was a big part of her life. She started working at Maine General at age 20 and has moved up the line there as she went through college. Makayla married her husband on New Year's Eve in 2012. She had many hobbies as a women that was so dedicated to her work, she raced her Prostock, rode horses, and took care of her baby girl. Makayla was a person that everyone had a soft spot for she was strong and sweet. But she had her amount of people that didn't enjoy her at the race track, because of her Competitiveness. Makayla had a rough …show more content…

Makayla dropped Lacey off at daycare and then was off to work for the rest of the day. When it was finally time for her to go back home for lunch she wasn't feeling right about the whole thing but she did it anyway. She packed up her office and went home for the two hour lunch that she had every day but little did she know she wasn't returning to work today. When she got home she could feel a presence in her house but she wasn't quite sure what it could be and she didn't know if she wanted to find out, so she walked into the kitchen and started making her lunch. Forgetting the bad feeling she had walking through the door. She sat down to eat her lunch when she heard a loud knock coming from upstairs. She was scared but she reminded herself that it was her house and she shouldn't be scared in her own home. So she walked up the stairs and looked in all of the rooms and checked out every little thing that could have made the noise. She walked back downstairs and now she was very frightened. There was someone in her house and she could feel it so she rushed around trying to find out what it could have been. That's when she saw it...him. There was a big shadow in on the wall and she had no idea who it could be or why they were here bit she did know one thing, they didn't belong here! She walked back into the kitchen to get herself a weapon and tried to walk back up to the space when she was grabbed and …show more content…

The blood on the knife was in fact Makayla's blood and the knife had matched the wound that had been put into Makayla's back. They went to Scott's house and arrested him for manslaughter that night exactly after Nick was called to be told about the killer. The fact that Nick didn't realize that it could have been him right off frightened him but he was happy that they found him and that he was currently in jail. Nick could finally go back to his home and no worry that the killer was still around their house. Now that the case was finished and Makayla was officially gone it was time for Nick to move on from this and start to learn how to raise their baby girl on his own. Not that Nick was going to be able to forget his beautiful wife but it was time to come back to reality. They had a little girl together and Makayla would want her to still live a wonderful life with her dad by her side and grandparents. So that meant that Nick was going to have to step up and move them back into their house and be the dad that Makayla would want him to

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