
Majors PTI Assessment

Decent Essays

How well does one know himself or herself as a person? Or even the type of person they are? How can one tell if they’re an introvert or an extrovert? There are so many questions that come to mind but no answers that follow. However, after taking the Majors PTI assessment was when I realized what type of person I am. My results revealed that I am an INFJ. What does that even mean? Well, being an INFJ means that I am an introvert, who uses their feelings and intuition to make their judgments. INFJ’s like to use words and visions and be imaginative. They tend to make connections to everything and give a deeper meaning to every part of their life. Truthfully speaking, that’s exactly the type of person I am. I prefer to deal with things according …show more content…

As I was reading the descriptions, I realized that I do in fact relate to being creative and being insightful. In any situation that I am put in, I tend to use my creativity side to solve the issue rather than going about it the standard way or doing what is considered the norm. I can relate to majority of these strengths however I do disagree with a few. I am not one to be decisive. If given a situation where I had to make an important decision, it would require a lot of time and rethinking and revisiting the situation for me to be able to come to a conclusion and make a decision. I would in fact consider this to be one of my weaknesses instead. I would also state that an INFJ’s ability to be convincing does not seem to fit my personality. Speaking to others and convincing them to change their view or thinking to a different standpoint is something I find difficult in doing in which I prefer to stay away from these types of situations. Along with these two weaknesses, there are few standard weaknesses that I relate to. One of them would be being sensitive. I can be a very sensitive person sometimes. At times I unknowingly take criticism to heart and question my abilities along with their …show more content…

There are many instances where my family and even my closest friends question why I am so reserved. They sometimes ask me why I am unable to fully open up and talk about my thoughts and feelings like they are able to and I never had an answer. I was never able to figure out why I am this way until I took this test. I realized that being a private person is one of the weaknesses of my personality type and that it is very common amongst INFJ’s. This is something that is in fact easily noticeable based on the type of person I am. I like to keep my thoughts and feelings to myself. I find I very difficult to fully trust those around me. Finding someone I can fully trust whether it may be a friend or a love interest is like finding a needle in a haystack. Being a private person has made me worried about my future life and it makes me wonder if I will ever find someone who can fully understand and relate to me. I wonder if ill ever be able to find some whom I can blindly trust. In order for me to find those whom I can trust, I have realized that I need to let myself loose. I have learned to confide in a few of my closest friends. I have learned that sharing my thoughts and feeling with those whom I’m close to not only makes our relationship stronger but it makes me feel lighter. It makes me feel as if a weight load has been lifted off my chest and restores my trust in

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