
Major Wakowski Case Summary

Decent Essays

After yesterday’s excitement in Engineering everyone was hoping for a smooth weapons test. Everyone was their station, Lt. Colonel House and Major Tso, as well as Major Wakowski were on the bridge. The PJ’s had finished prepping the drones earlier in the morning and loaded them into the catapult in the landing bay. Major Wakowski was running his last diagnostic’s on the weapons and tracking system to ensure everything was in working order, Elle had already reported that she was able to repair the tampered software in the weapons tracking array. Everything was good to go.
“How’s it looking Major?” Lt. Colonel asked Major Wakowski.
“Looks like we are on track, we can start the exercise you’re ready.”
Lt. Colonel House announced over the communications …show more content…

He calculated a firing solution, fire and missed; the drones moved to the portside of the ship and began to fire. Major Tso reacted quickly, “Elle, damage report?”
“Left side stabilizers have been hit and damaged, they are eighty-seven percent functional.” Elle reported.
Major Wakowski calculated another firing solution, fired with the photon canon and destroy one of the drones. The free drone began to zigzag while firing the on the Gettysburg, there was something different about this drone. Elle reported, “Shields down five percent.”
“Thank you Elle.” Major Tso …show more content…

How’s it hanging?” Major Wakowski spoke into the comm unit.
“You officers always calling us NCO’s to bail your asses out! Let’s get to work gentlemen.”
Major Tso took his seat next to Marybeth, “It’s time to stop being a sitting duck, lets getting to moving and groving!” Major Tso said to Marybeth.
She smiled at that, “Let’s Major, let’’s time to dance.”
The Gettysburg took off from zero to mach three in seconds, for the most part leaving the drones behind, but they were quickly back on her. There was a lot of discussion between Major Wakowski and Smith. “I’ve got a firing solution.” Senior Master Sergeant Smith reported.
“Fire, fire! You don’t have to wait for permiss…” Major Wakowki was saying, but before he ended another drone went up in smoke.
“That’s some good shoot’in Smith.” Marybeth happily said.
“Ok, boys and girls we got one more to go.” Major Tso

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