
Major Leadership Theory

Satisfactory Essays

Discussion Board (1-1): Major Leadership and Organizational Theory
Britton Lerch
University of Iowa
NURS 5002: Leadership and Management Essentials
Dr. Bogue
I found it scary to think and yet very true when Gandolfi and Stone (2016) discussed in a rather recent article that leadership is so crucial that not only can organization or communities suffer from poor leadership but also even our society as a whole can experience a huge negative impact. The importance of leadership in an organizational setting is to motivate individuals to complete a common goal. There are several leadership styles and it is a good idea that we view various models in order for leaders to get a better understanding how to involve those working alongside other colleagues thus allowing everyone to move forward together and accomplish set goals for an institution (Volckmann, 2012). A few examples include, Behavioral Approach, Path-Goal, and, Situational and thinking …show more content…

Although I have studied several theories, I frequently visit this theory as it pertains to my own personal experiences. I have not always been in healthcare rather in a variety of settings such as housekeeping, an airline operator, military, and finally nursing. In these settings, I have had encounters with blue and white-collar workers, men and women, various cultures, and those both young and old. Situations might be minor when dealing with environmental factors within a housekeeping department or high stress as an airline operator in a stressful and emotional situation as I witnessed many during 9-11. I believe that the Situational Approach is important for leading clinical practice because in healthcare we not only care for a diverse population but also work together as one. Each individual will respond differently to how someone is leading in a certain situations. Well explained, Situational Approach

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