
Major Key Roles Of Social Media In The 21st Century

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Social Media plays a huge and major key role with our lives as human beings in this day and age of the 21st century. The role that social media plays is that millions of people could connect and meet all over the world on one website or one app to meet others of the same interest, and other topics that they enjoy or love such as video games, reading, board games, mathematics, etc. . Horrifically, over the years criticism began on the dawn of social media has caused a spread of rumors, fear, and disgust into these social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat, parents worry about their children's protection and fear that one wrong post could spell disaster for the family of the child. Families have proposed that adult link protection should be linked onto children’s social media to watch them to make sure that they don't look or do mischievous or horrific acts to other older or of the same age, but i believe that with this thesis and action of choices, we could make the internet a safer and child friendly place or all. Three ideas that could help with supporting my thesis is 1. Sort social media by age groups and types of cultures, 2. Have people not be able to post their location or address without extensive security question and material, and 3 make usernames and passwords for social media websites more secure, and to protect people's valuable information from criminals. My First reasoning to support my thesis is that we should have different types

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