
Majestic Parthenon

Decent Essays

Throughout the years architects have been able to display their artistic abilities by showcasing their different styles and capabilities in structures that still stand from thousands of years ago. This essay will provide an explanation of my preference for this image, a short history of its construction, a brief analysis of the buildings function, as well as the style of the amazing archaic Parthenon of ancient Athens.
A few semesters ago I took Greek and Roman Civilization at the University of the People, while taking this class I learned a great deal of information regarding the majestic Parthenon and I was excited to see that it was one of the pictures available for this assignment. Due to the mere fact that I studied this building and its amazing history, it only seems right to begin with a brief history of how it became what it is today. …show more content…

Its construction was ordered by the Athenian political leader Pericles, following the end of the Peloponnesian War to symbolize Athens power and influence in the Mediterranean. The Parthenon was built by the architects Iktinos and Kallikrates (Sakoulas, 2002) and was utilized for religious functions, more specifically as a dedication to Athena, who according to Greek mythology, was the Greek goddess of reason, intelligent activity, arts, and literature (“Athena,” 1997).
Amazingly, over 2,500 years later the Parthenon’s remains, still stand, gloriously on top of the Acropolis. Furthermore, the wear and tear of the temple tells an amazing story. Not only has this magnificent structure survived earthquakes, being set on fire, being blown apart by exploding gunpowder, a multitude of lootings, it continues to face the woes of pollution daily. However, through all this you can still see that the Parthenon was a perfect representation of the power Athens held throughout 5th Century

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