
Mahatma Gandhi

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How Justice Has Changed the World
How can you change the world? Gandhi, Mother Jones, and Mohamed Zaree, have in many ways shapes and forms. Gandhi has changed the world by helping not only South Africa, but also India gain independence from Britain. Mother Jones inspired many people to fight against Child Labor Laws, and it was eventually banned, and Mohamed Zaree is a leading figure for civil rights in Egypt. These three individuals have helped enact change by leading and supporting peaceful forms of protest that eliminate human injustice and support human rights. Mahatma Gandhi is an aspiring, leading figure for civil rights in India and South Africa, and with the selfless actions he has done, he has helped both countries gain independence from Great Britain. For example, according to the authors of “Satyagraha: Gandhi’s Legacy,” it states, “Much as it had done in the American colonies, Britain controlled the South African government and all its practices and exacted taxes. It was this situation that led to much of the racial tension in the country . . . His ultimate goal, however, was to help India gain independence from Britain. India eventually became independent in 1947, shortly before Gandhi was assassinated.” When Gandhi was alive, both India and South Africa were British colonies that were impoverished by heavy taxes and extreme laws, and he believed that this was wrong, so he helped both countries gain independence before he was assassinated in 1947. Gandhi used

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