
Magnet Forensic Analysis

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Introduction As capabilities grow, cyberspace is becoming more of a battle field than ever. General hackers, terrorist groups, and agents of foreign powers are becoming more complex in the way that they attack the United States. As the threat grows, so must grow the ability to defend against the threat. Every year there is a constant increase of cyber-attacks committed against the United States, and as more actors collaborate, the complexity of the attacks grow. More and more every day, the increased use of volatile memory as the storage point for malware and other malicious code is seen. The CPT has a true need for a tool that will easily, effectively, and fully allow us to handle memory forensics. To stay up to date with current evidence …show more content…

WindowsSCOPE is effective against Windows NT 5.1 to Windows 8.1 (WindowsSCOPE, 2016). Magnet IEF can be effectively ran against Windows, Unix, Mac, Kindle, and multiple other mobile and computer operating systems. With the evolution of malware in mind, Magnet IEF is the clear choice due to its ability to work on multiple operating systems. Recommendation Based on the CPT's long term needs, Magnet Forensics EIF is the tool that fits the requirements. Magnet Forensics is holding low cost training events, and the near future certification opportunity will allow the CPT a greater chance at conducting in house training. It contains the capabilities to work across multiple platforms including mobile devices. Conclusion Development of this technical evaluation report is the result of a request from a standing Army CPT to fulfill the requirement of expanding the CPTs memory forensics capabilities. The three considerations of cost, capability, and operating systems compatibility are the main points for comparison. The memory forensic tools where compared and contrasted based upon the guidelines that the CPT provided. When comparing the two tools in all three factors of consideration Magnet IEF was the clear winner. The final recommendation of this technical evaluation is that the CPT acquires Magnet

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