
Magical Realism In Bless Me, Ultima By Rudolfo Anaya

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Magical realism is the blend of magic and reality, it treats magical occurrences as mundane. In Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya a young boy, Tony experiences magical events when an old curandera, Ultima comes to live with his family. As Tony experiences death, magical healing, and fulfillment from a non-catholic god, he starts to contemplate his religious beliefs and direction in life. Magical realism is used throughout the book with symbols like the golden carp, the owl, and water. The symbolism enriches the text by adding depth to magical realism. The golden carp provides Tony with what he expected God to and it symbolizes a non-catholic god. As Tony says while seeing the carp for the first time "The golden carp," I whispered in awe. I could not have been more entranced if I had seen the Virgin, or God …show more content…

The water of the river, however, symbolizes impurity and the sins of the town people and that is why the golden carp will not swim in the river, but only in the pond because the pond is isolated and not contaminated by sins or the blood of the town people. Tony feels the presence of the river and often talks about it like when he and Ultima were picking herbs in the Llano. "I had been afraid of the awful presence of the river, which was the soul of the river, but through her [Ultima] I learned that my spirit shared in the spirit of all things. But the innocence which our isolation sheltered could not last forever, and the affairs of the town began to reach across our bridge and enter my life.”(15). In this quote Tony saying how he has learned to be one with his surroundings from Ultima and then in the last sentence, Anaya foreshadows that Tony was going to lose his innocence, which does happen soon after when he sees someone get murdered under the bridge he mentions in the quote. Tony’s struggles with sin and his innocence are symbolized in a magical way with the water in the

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