
Magic Mike Xl Essay

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Today's society is dictated by the ideals it creates. Often these ideals are formed by the rush of images society is burdened with everyday through billboards, tv, and social media. Like statues of gods and heroes the most popular subjects of these images are idealistic. This can be problematic because ideals are usually unrealistic representations that can be nearly impossible to reach. When these ideals are regularized in such high quantity it leads to them becoming the standard for what society sees as “normal” or “average.” In 2015, Warner Brother Pictures released a preview for Magic Mike XXL. The movie, mainly following the story of a group of male strippers, uses a lot of sexualized ideals to aid their character development. The Magic Mike XXL preview promotes a representation for male bodies that is harmful to society because it provides an unbalanced, unfair model to males. The Magic Mike XXL preview serves to promote the film …show more content…

Body image has recently became very popular in pop culture. Pictures are often posted praising people who meet society’s standards and are not only “normal” but extraordinarily “beautiful.” Contrarily, people are also shamed and ridiculed for not being “normal” or “beautiful.” Ironically enough, as much as social media does to aid the negative connotation that body image has it also serves as a platform to advocate for body positivity. Messages like “love your curves” and “beauty is on the inside” are commonly spread by body image enthusiast. People have an inherent desire to want to be seen as “beautiful” and “normal” because society often pairs those features with success. When these standards are not met it leads to body negativity which can lead to self-harm, verbal abuse, and many other issues. Society is, in short, obsessed with the human body: what it looks like and what that

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