
Macroeconomics: A Case Study

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What happens to formula funding and performance funding in times of economic distress?

During times of economic downturn formula and performance funding can suffer dramatically. If state revenue is decreasing, state legislators will develop state appropriation policies and priorities on which advancement initiatives to fund. Higher education funding will decrease and the once carefully planned budget will be disregarded and revamped to fit whatever may best suit the institution. No matter the funding formula there is not a consistent method as to how a state handles economic distress as evidenced below.

Research if Missouri, South Carolina, Texas, and Arkansas have changed formula and performance funding during this period of financial distress. …show more content…

(2015.). Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Retrieved from
Dougherty, K. J., Natow, R. S., & Project, M. (2015). The Politics of Performance Funding for Higher Education: Origins, Discontinuations, and Transformations. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Polatajko, Mark M. "Performance Funding of State Public Higher Education; Has It Delivered the Desired External Accountability and Institutional Improvement?" (2011).
Senate Committee Report on CSSB 1 [PDF]. (2005, March). Texas Legislative Board. Retrieved from
The Impact of Publicly Supported Higher Education on the Charleston, South Carolina Region [PDF]. (2013). Charleston Regional Development Alliance. Retrieved from …show more content…

My feeling has nothing to do with how much I enjoy learning, but more so to do with the time constraints on my day to day life and balancing that with the six to eight hours of homework that are necessary for grad school classes. When you’re taking two classes a semester in grad school, figuring twelve to sixteen hours a week for homework, forty hours for work (if you’re lucky enough to only do forty), home, kids, their activities etc., it makes it hard to have the wide-eyed enthusiasm I had during my undergrad. I cannot express how much I love learning. I feel bored when I am not in school. I like the intelligent banter, the knowledge, the new relationships, but it all takes a

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