
Machiavelli's The Prince Analysis

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Niccolo Machiavelli’s political treatise “The Prince,” a gift given to the ruler of the Florentine Republic Lorenzo de Medici, explains Machiavelli’s beliefs on the most effective way for a ruler to conquer and keep his state. He supports his beliefs by using examples of the past and imagery. The most dominant theme’s he carries throughout the whole book is a ruler’s fortune and whether they should be loved or hated. He argues that fortune and the way a ruler is perceived can either be a good thing or a bad thing. To Machiavelli fortune, in the sense of chance, fate or luck, controls half of one's time ruling and the other half is through their ability. Machiavelli begins his argument by claiming a ruler can control and build his power through either fortune or their abilities. It is easier to gain power with fortune then to use your abilities to gain in. Gaining power through fortune would come in ways such as being born into power, being promoted to a ruling position or purchasing the power. However, those who gain power by fortune have a much tougher time keeping their power than those who gain it with …show more content…

To efficiently rule a ruler cannot rely solely on good fortune because any problems that occur during their power need to be solved by their abilities. He needs to prep his mind and body so when bad fortune comes he can fight it. Additionally, the ruler needs always to remain in the people’s eyes as generous. He must love his state so much that when the time is needed, he can deceive his people, be evil, and ungenerous. Being feared is the most important characteristic a ruler can acquire but must differentiate from being feared not hated. Machiavelli assures Medici that if he adheres to all his ways of ruling, then he will rule his state forever and protect his people from all forms of

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