
Machiavelli's The Prince: An Analysis

Decent Essays

In Niccoló Machiavelli´s novel, The Prince, there are times when it’s plausible for a prince to be ethical and times when it’s plausible for a prince to be wicked, but since administering both will not give a prince stability, it’s better to choose one. According to Machiavelli, through wickedness, a prince can be successful by betraying allies, going against faith, and being without religion; however, because of his stubbornness and disloyalty, detrimental consequences to society are created. On the contrary, an ethical prince will appease to needs of the people while being loyal and virtuous. Concluding the ruler to have a successful rule by doing good for the country. Making the answer to the problematic discussion, ethical because …show more content…

Allowing the country to have security and protection in the presence of a city being conquered; or, the ways and means of obtaining oil to preserve the economic system. Whereas a wicked leader, will have a harder opportunity-if the leader is fortunate to obtain a chance-getting access since the prince’s ego can cause an unwillingness to do the greater good or appear unattractive to other nations. “Once placed in such a position, having decided to become prince and to hold with violence and without any obligations to others what had been conferred upon him by universal consent” (Machiavelli 31). To put it another way, a wicked leader will do anything to obtain a goal and in this instance to become a prince, the candidate used wickedness and ethics, creating a new persona that emphasizes changes the people want to see, but the leader will not do to reach their actual intention. On the other hand, recalling the instability wickedness and ethics cause together, he abolished ethics and reestablished his true nature, wickedness. In contrast to a wicked leader, an ethical leader would not deceive the future citizens into envisioning a person hasn’t the heart to do what the people need. It will lead to the voters regretting their decision; and if it’s life-threatening, the public will attempt to overthrow the leader, causing chaos for

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