
Macbeth's Second Murder

Decent Essays

One cannot commit monstrous deeds without becoming the monster himself. This is proven true in The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare. Throughout the play, Shakespeare uses each of Macbeth’s murders to reveal Macbeth’s evolving character. The first of Macbeth’s killings is towards Macdonwald because he “worthy to be a rebel for to that/The multiplying villainies of nature/Do swarm upon him” (1.2.10-12). Shakespeare adds this detail to show Macbeth’s loyalty to his country, and only killed those worthy. He does not carry any guilt, as his reasoning is valid. Macbeth’s second murder is King Duncan. At first, Macbeth does not want to hurt him since he is “his kinsman and his subject/…Besides, this Duncan/Hath borne his faculties so meek,

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