
Macbeth Human Isolation Essay

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Macbeth: Human Isolation and its Effects on an Individual’s Life. In the face of life’s greatest trials, isolation breeds misery and destruction. It allows the mind to fester pride, pessimism, and paranoia, causing “function [to be] smothered in surmise.” When left to their own consciences, individuals exhaust the qualities of mercy, loyalty and empathy, and satisfy a devilish constitution, detaching them from “the milk of human kindness.” In his play, Macbeth, Shakespeare explores the theme of isolation by demonstrating that unless an ambitious and intuitive individual, who is trapped by his own lucrative mind, does not escape his environment, he will continue to descend into a lonely fate. Macbeth, the central character, is a “brave” and “valiant” warrior …show more content…

In his ravaging pursuit of power, Macbeth turns his back on God, his wife, and his friends, spurring society as a whole to turn its back on him. In being “in blood stepped in so far,” Macbeth descends into self-inflicted chaos, and having no one to turn to, he renders his accomplishments worthless. Macbeth’s tragic isolation sentenced him to live in anguish, suffering the consequences of temporal and divine retribution. “Fair is foul and foul is fair.” Macbeth crosses the bridge from good to evil by opening his mind to “instruments of darkness.” When Macbeth is sought out by three witches and receives the prophecy that he “shalt be king hereafter,” he is consumed by his treacherous ambition, and stops at nothing to gain what he desires. His unstoppable vigour collides with the immovable nature of God, severing the connection between Macbeth and the Divine. Although Macbeth is fully aware that the witches work “against the force of nature,” he is driven by their promise, and as a selfish opportunist, denounces God by seizing the throne of Scotland. Led by his own pursuit of glory, Macbeth viciously commits the regicide of Duncan, and sentences

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