
Macbeth Greed Quotes

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The play, Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, is a play driven by Macbeth's need for power and control of the kingdom of Scotland. The story of Macbeth is set around Macbeth rise to power and what he does along the way to achieve his goals, which many of his actions are frowned upon by others. This causes him to build up many oppressors who want him out of power. In the play, Macbeth's whole personality and his actions are set behind his emotions of greed, fear and confidence. Macbeth actions are surrounded by his greed. One example, would be his need to take Duncan throne for himself. Quote: I am settled, and bend each corporal agent to this terrible feat. Away, and mock the time with fairest show; False face must hide what the false heart doth …show more content…

This is supplying Macbeth with the need to get what he wants. Macbeth is a character who feeds his greed to the point that his actions represent that. Macbeth actions are partly controlled by his fear of losing what he has. Generally, Macbeth is afraid of Macduff. The castle of Macduff I will surprise, Seize upon Fife, give to the edge o' the sword His wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls That trace him in his line. (166-172 Act 4 Scene 1) Macbeth blindly believes the witches' prophecies and thus wants Macduff and anyone else who threatens his power dead. Deep down, Macbeth is afraid that his power will be taken away from him. After learning that Macduff is a threat, he sends murderers to kill his family. This leads to Macbeth downfall, as he really only kills Macduff's family in response to hearing that Macduff is a threat. Killing his family does not stop Macduff from killing Macbeth, which really fuels his need to get revenge, if anything. So Macbeth really does not do a good job at stopping Macduff. Macbeth's fear of losing his power forces him to do things that are unhonorable. Macbeth's downfall is also closely associated with his

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