
Macbeth: Do Military Dogs Go To Heaven?

Decent Essays

Do military dogs go to heaven? “Macbeth” written by William Shakespeare was a dramatic play, centered around betrayal, amicide and tyranny. A once noble was tainted by greed. His hands left blood stains on everyone he came across. Evil spread like a plaque inside Macbeth. Did he ever find salvation ? In the opening of “Macbeth,” Macbeth was a very distinguished war hero. His heart was pure, and his murders in battle were praised. His kills were justifiable acts, still cold in nature. From battle, he learned to separate man from silhouette and eliminate those who stood in his way. The day Macbeth met with a group of witches, would be the last day of his humanity. The witches told Macbeth he would soon be King of Cawdor, then King of Scotland.

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