
Macbeth Deception Essay

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Emma Graesser Miss Forster English 4CP 3 March 2024 Deception In the Shakespearean tragedy, Macbeth, the title character, commits many atrocities in his desire for power. However, appearances and reality don’t always match. Through Macbeth’s attitude after Duncan’s death, the words of the apparitions and Malcolm’s test for Macduff, Shakespeare misleads the characters into believing something not true. Shakespeare first shows deception in Macbeth’s reaction to Duncan’s body being found. He becomes dramatic and innocent, appearing during his conversations with the surrounding characters. He states that had he died before Duncan, he would have “lived a blessed time” and now that Duncan’s gone “nothing serious in mortality” (2.3.85-86). Macbeth …show more content…

With Macbeth acting, an innocent front forms when in reality he causes Duncan’s death. Another deception appears when the witches call upon the apparitions. The apparitions speak in riddles and use these riddles to mislead Macbeth. The first apparition tells Macbeth he needs to fear Macduff while the second apparition tells him to not fear any born of woman as none could harm Macbeth. The final apparition states that “until Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane hill” Macbeth couldn’t die (4.1.92). Macbeth, hearing this, becomes irrational and fearless towards the upcoming coup. However, the words spoken by the apparitions hid the true fate of Macbeth. While their words ring true, there is much to be added. Through the apparitions, Shakespeare exhibits appearance verses reality as equivocation used to misguide Macbeth into the death plot, therefore bringing his predetermined threads of life to an end. The final act of deception appears during the scene where Malcolm tests Macduff’s loyalty. Macduff arrives in England to ask Malcolm to join him in the coup. Malcolm starts with how no woman could “fill up the cistern of [his] lust”

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