
Macbeth Character Analysis

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All humans can be manipulated or changed by inside and outside affects, some that are good while others are bad. This can all be related through books/plays and the characters change throughout them. In the play Macbeth written by Shakespeare, the title character has a major conquest to become king. Throughout his process, he is affected by both internal and external forces. These affects really come in to play as the play progresses and several terrible things happen. In the end, Macbeths demise can ultimately be said from the causes of Lady Macbeth’s controlling actions, his murderous ways, and the witches’ trickery.
Lady Macbeth and the affects she had to Macbeth can be said to contribute to Macbeth’s demise. Lady Macbeth can be known as a controlling person and that is shown throughout the start. In the beginning, Macbeth’s wife tells him that he is going to kill King Duncan so he will become king. The title character starts to doubt the process and she really tries to manipulate him by questioning his man hood. “Was the hope drunk/ Wherein you dressed yourself? Hath it slept since?” (1.7.39-40). By Lady Macbeth saying this, it leads to Macbeth changing his mind and going through with the murder of Duncan. By the title character going on with the planned killing, this shows that he can be easily manipulated by words especially from one who he cares about. As the play continues, Lady Macbeth questions him when he sees Banquo’s ghost at the dinner. She really fires at him and once again debates his manhood. “You lack the season of all natures, sleep.” (3.4.173). By her saying this a second time, it really starts to have Macbeth questioning his own manhood and that all leads to him not feeling as confident in himself as well as him not standing up for him in tough moments. So, by Lady Macbeth just simply saying what she feels at Macbeths most down times had an effect to his downfall throughout the play.
When a family member or someone you know passes away, its usually a challenging time. People are affected by it and it can change a person mostly in a negative way. Through the play Macbeth, the title character killed or demanded several people to be killed. He was under the impression that it was a promising

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