
Macbeth Character Analysis

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Shakespeare, a name made popular ever since the beginnings of his career. As time took its tool on the world, his name spread and his plays and literature works also spread with it throughout the world. His works are not just a play, so many elements are used within them. Thre greatest examples come from his play Macbeth.
One element is the plot. The plot is arranged all around Macbeth and his journey through his decisions that spiral him down further and further. The complication begins at the death of King Duncan. This leads to several more deaths including the death of Banqou. So really this is the beginning of all of the complications that come after. The Climax comes as Macbeth fights Macduff, this is found in the final act of the play. This is an event where karma catches up with Macbeth, and leads to his defeat. This is even more dramatized as his head is carried by Macduff showing his defeat. The denouement comes as Malcolm gives his final speech, this speech of hope brings and end of all the killing, the end of Macbeth. This comes directly after the climax bringing it to an appropriate close. Characters also inhabit the plays of Shakespeare. In Macbeth there are many characters present throughout Macbeth. Macbeth is the main character and protagonist, the plot revolves around him and his descent to his demise. In this sense all those that oppose him are considered antagonists. From Banquo to the witches, But I believe Macduff personifies all of them, it is shown

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