
MKO Destructive Cult Article Summary

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Article 3: Manipulation Process in MKO Destructive Cult. Baghdad This article reiterates that no one is immune to the complex psychological manipulation process that cult leaders in order to recruit new members. All cults around the world use similar tricks when it comes to recruiting and keeping members. Parsi (2015) states that there are many misconceptions about cults that scholars need to know when studying cultic groups. The first misconceptions is that cult members wear strange clothes and are easy to spot but that is not necessarily the case. The other misconceptions about cults are that the members are emotionally unstable, weird, religious nutcases and weak. There are up to four major categories of cults and these include religious, self-help, commercial and political cults. According to the definition of a cult in the previous two articles, it is a clear that there is psychological manipulation by cult leaders in order to gain the control of a member’s mind. In order to control their members, cult leaders use psychological techniques such as mind control. Cult leaders threaten their members that they are likely to fail in business, lose their families and friends or go to hell if they leave the group or fail to conform to …show more content…

Cults are here to stay because it is very difficult to identify modern cults because of their changing nature of operations. Modern cults are different from traditional cults that were characterized by weird dressing and practices because they are very organized and exclusive. It is therefore important for governments and the society in general to deal with some of the issues that make people to be vulnerable to cults instead of using force to fight the existing groups. More efforts should be directed towards rehabilitating former cultists because of the psychological trauma they go through in the hands of cult

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