
M-STARC Correlation

Decent Essays

Stephani Crowell
The University of Mississippi M-STAR and PARCC Correlation
According to Earl (2013), expert teachers know about learning, know about the subjects they teach, and have a deep knowledge of pedagogy (p. 125). Highly effective teachers develop pedagogical skills to support and produce achievement. As educators develop proficient students, instructional leaders must identify and develop highly effective teachers. How might an instructional leader determine the impact of teacher effectiveness on student achievement levels? The purpose of this study is to determine the correlation between teachers Mississippi Statewide Teacher Appraisal Rubric (M-STAR) ratings and teachers’ Quality of Distribution Index …show more content…

I referenced the Mississippi Department of Education QDI formula from 2009 to determine teachers’ QDI centered on PARCC Math and ELA. Although School Status is used to collect and track teacher M-STAR rating results, my principal had to contact the curriculum director to request the previous year’s M-STAR ratings from the company. This caused a four-day delay for data review and research. After compiling all data sets, a Pearson correlation was performed using Microsoft Excel. I would expect to see a strong link between teacher evaluation results and student achievement levels from the …show more content…

I want to determine the correlation between MKAS and teachers’ M-STAR ratings. Doing this would provide me with additional information when I correlate our schools quarterly STAR results and MKAS results this spring. This information could serve as another data point to consider for my cohort topic this spring on the correlation between quarterly STAR assessment scores and MKAS results. To further help my teachers to be more effective, I would review our M-STAR evaluation systems and conduct more walk-throughs. Walk-throughs allow for observational coaching which will make teachers more effective. I would also encourage peer observations and team planning geared toward student mastery. Implementing these next steps will likely develop more transparency for final evaluations. References
Earl, L. M. (2013). Assessment as Learning: Using Classroom Assessment to Maximize Student Learning. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
Sparks, S. D. (2011). Early Reading Problems Flag Potential Dropouts. Education Week,
30(28), 5. Appendix


Teacher M-STAR Score PARCC
A 3.1 1.00 1.00
B 3.7 2.63 3.28
C 3.8 3.35

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