
Lutheran Vs Orthodoxy Essay

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And other key point, the Lutherans cherishes the view of the sacraments, while the orthodoxy sees the effects of sacraments as mysteries of grace for all that took part. In fact, the Protestant see grace as something already given. They acknowledge only two sacraments which are Baptism also the Holy Communion. The Sacraments signify the effect signs which they give. Here again the Orthodoxy also the Catholic are in unity with at least seven. They are Baptism, Eucharist, Holy Orders, Holy Unction, Marriage, Penance, Confession. Therefore, Lutheran and Orthodoxy are similar when it comes to the papacy. Not to mention, Luther calls it the Antichrist also the Orthodoxy when the church separated the pope did not accept the split and both refused to recognize the papacy as a supreme and infallible institution (Gonzalez 132-184). As a result, the theologians departed from the Roman Catholic church. There were three primary reason for their decision, Sola Scriptura (by Scripture alone) the doctrine that Scripture as in the Bible is the only authority for Christians when it comes to life also faith. Sola Fide (by faith alone) the doctrine that we are justified before God, then saved by faith alone. The …show more content…

A fellow classmate wrote something on the order of, the Post Modern Era not only will influence religion, but also art, literature, philosophy, architecture and music. Likewise, the Post Modern attitude is that there is no absolute truth but truth is based how the mind tries to understand its own particular and personal reality. And still, the Post Modern Era lacks the optimism of there being a religious truth that will explain or interpret everything to everyone satisfactory. In this era Christian tradition and modernism will face a tremendous challenge in the 21st century, but I believe that the faith that we have in God will ultimately

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